I just wanted to excitedly tell you that Lars is now officially in 1st grade!! He started this morning. He was so excited. It was hard getting him up this morning cuz it was hard getting him to go to sleep last night due to the excitement, but as soon as I said he had to get ready for 1st grade, he jumped up and
ran and got dressed, etc. He's SO ready for this!!Here are a couple pix of him in line waiting for the bell to ring (he's the kid in the yellow jacket--with the cereal bar in his mouth--just to confirm).

Yeah, my sister has a blog! She's being assimilated into the 21st century! How exciting for Lars.
Hey, Liesl! Yep, we're very proud of Laurel and her new blog. Now if we can just pin her down long enough each week to keep it updated!
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